Blog Post

Information for Budget and Camp Revision Task Force Proposals

A Letter from Conference Leaders

Conference leaders have written a letter to the churches and authorized ministers of the United Church of Christ, appealing for your support in entering into a faithful discernment process for determining the Conference’s ministry and the budget for 2021.

For the past five years, despite a Conference-wide discernment to call two full-time Associate Conference Ministers, we have finished each year with a deficit and have relied on reserves to make up the difference. In 2017, Annual Gathering approved a $5/per member giving request to offset some of our deficit, especially around our line items involving camp and youth programs. Despite full support for this budget, few churches have contributed.

This year we are appealing to our shared covenant in asking the churches of the Northern California Nevada Conference to enter a period of discernment, if possible, before our August 29 discernment session, and, definitely, by our Annual Gathering on October 24.

We are asking leaders of each NCNC church to prayerfully, and with full intention, study the documents posted below and engage in discussion around the level of support your church is willing and able to commit to supporting our work together.

Based on the feedback and discussion that happens at the August 29 discernment session, Conference Council will decide on which (or combination) 2021 budget will be brought to Annual Gathering for approval. The expectation is that delegates voting at Annual Gathering on October 24 will be bringing with them the discernment of their local church and speak out based on that commitment as we understand together what is possible. Following Annual Gathering, all churches will be asked to sign pledge commitments for 2021 so we know going into the new year, what we can expect and whether further adjustments to the budget should be considered.

Read the entire Conference Leader’s letter to our Churches and click the links below for more information:
A Dreaming for Camp Cazadero
Skeleton Plan for Camp ReVisioning Task Force

Join the August 29 Session from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.:

View the recording from the August 29 Discernment Session.

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