Jesus once said that whatever we do to the least of our neighbors, we do to Him. So, if you want to serve Our Creator God, the best way to start is by helping the needy. You don’t have to be Mother Teresa or Mahatma Gandhi. Collectively we are called to be servants of Christ Jesus. During our current fire season, the financial support and willingness to help rebuild communities is what the Conference is as the hands and feet of Christ Jesus in the World.
“I wrote to Davena requesting gift cards for gas, food, and clothing to help families impacted by the Mosquito Fire and the Conference Disaster Team responded to the need. The First Congregational Church of Auburn received five Target gift cards and five gas cards. And the Conference Disaster Team responded to the request. We are so grateful.” ~Rev. Dr. Ken Moore~ Folks in Auburn appreciate the Conference and the gift cards that went to families affected by the fire. The First Congregational Church of Auburn made a unique appeal, and members contributed over $500. Part of the money may go to the Conference for unmet needs and the rest to the Placer Community Foundation.
The Conference Disaster Team and Staff would like to thank you, the Conference, for your generosity to the West Coast Disaster Fund. Your funds supported over $44,500, making a difference in the lives of those who lost everything. Because of your support, we assisted thirteen this year alone. We will continue to give until the money is gone! However, we hope you will continue to fund the West Coast Disaster Fund so we can collectively help our neighbors in need.
We are in collaboration with our local congregations, schools, other agencies, and faith-based communities such as Camp Fire Collaborative, Catholic Charities/NVCSS, Ferguson Build, Golden Valley Bank, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Lutheran Social Services, North Central California Presbytery, North Valley Community Foundation, Sierra Nevada Resiliency Fund, St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, St. John’s Episcopal Church. United Methodist Committee on Relief, United Way, and the Red Cross.
Dear God, thank you for your tremendous power and work in our lives. Thank you for your goodness and your blessings over us. Thank you that your Word teaches us the power of gratitude. Thank you that you can bring hope through even the toughest of times, strengthening us for your purposes. Thank you that You, O God are always with us and will never leave us. Forgive us when we don’t thank You enough, for who You are, for all You do, and for all You’ve given. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on You afresh. Renew our spirits and fill us with Your peace and joy. We love You, God, and we need You, Dear Lord, every day. We give You all praise, honor, and glory, for You alone are worthy! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.