Blog Post

Let’s Talk: About Gratitude

Photo of Rev. Dr. Diane WeibleI don’t have words to express my gratitude for the Service of Release and reception this past Sunday. The love and warmth of all who gathered and all who sent wishes because they couldn’t be there in person made my heart sing.  Thank you; thank you; thank you!! 

I am so grateful for each and every one of you. For the years we have spent together in ministry; for the prayers you have offered me when I have needed it most; for the love and laughter and tears we have shared; and for your witness and strength in God’s love that you demonstrate every single day, I give God GREAT thanks!  

As our relationship in this form draws to a close in just a short time, I want to offer my prayer for the Conference—for our 112 churches and for each of our Authorized Ministers and all of our lay leaders. May you all feel God’s love and grace moving in Spirit to lead you and guide you and sustain you in all the important work in which you engage. May you always remember that we are stronger together than we are alone. And, most of all, that we are never alone. 

It is important for all of us to remember that the Conference is not a building in Concord; it is not the Conference staff; it is not the Conference Council. The Conference is all of us—every church and every member. We all listen for the StillSpeaking God who will show us the way forward as we seek the important work of being Christ’s hands and feet in the world.  

You will be in my prayers. I thank you for your prayers. And, most of all, I pray that God will keep watch between me and this Conference while we are separated one from another. Your love and light is SO needed in this world.  Be bold and be brilliant!  

With deep love and gratitude, 


Watch the YouTube video of the Service of Release, with many thanks to First Congregational UCC of Alameda for this recording and all the ways in which they so graciously hosted this service and the reception afterward.

One Comment

  • laurie manning

    Dear Diane,
    I give thanks to God for you. You have supported me in becoming not only a better minister, but a more loving and courageous human being. I pray that your light continues to shine brightly, in this time of new beginnings for you!

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