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Our Whole Lives Facilitator Training

Register Now for the Our Whole Lives Grades K-1 and Grades 4-6 Facilitator Training hosted by Danville Congregational Church from Friday March 14th through Sunday March 16th!

As we face continuing attacks on both reproductive freedom and LGBTQIA+ rights, people of all ages need access to accurate, inclusive, body-positive, values-based, and comprehensive information about bodies and relationships. If you or your congregation is looking for ways to meet this moment with prophetic courage and empowering action, getting trained to facilitate OWL is a fantastic opportunity!

The training is open to anyone over the age of 21. Participants are not required to be affiliated with the UCC or UUA in order to participate. We hope that most participants will be committed to continuing or expanding offerings of the Our Whole Lives Elementary Level curriculum in their church, ministry context, or wider community.

This training is part of the 25 in 2025 initiative, working towards having 25 UCC-hosted Our Whole Lives trainings in 2025, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Our Whole Lives.

Upon completion of the training and approval as an Our Whole Lives facilitator, participants will be equipped to facilitate both the Grades K-1 and Grades 4-6 levels of the curriculum.

Training will begin at 1pm on Friday March 14 with check-in beginning at noon. Training on Friday will include dinner and end at 8 PM. Training on Saturday will begin at 8:30 AM, will include lunch and end at 6pm. Training on Sunday will begin at 8:30am, will include lunch and end at 3pm. A light breakfast will be provided on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Deadline for registration is Friday February 21, 2025. More details are available on the registration page.

Please reach out to Rev. Lauren Jewett ( with any questions!

Find more about the Our Whole Lives curriculum at:

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