Have You Heard? Your Conference Ministers are hanging out with the youth at Camp Tamarack!!

High schoolers and youth leaders are heading down to Camp Tamarack youth camp in about a week. We’ll spend seven days together with bonfires, camp songs, togetherness, time to listen and share, oh, lots of sweat, and it’s hot out there. But when we ask teens where they’ve seen God work, summer camp shows up a lot—not because of how fantastic our campsite is, but because God has used this week to change our hearts in beautiful and abundant ways. We’re praying that God does that again this year. I hope and pray that you will send your High Schoolers…
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Have You Heard? Making All Things New

That feeling of experiencing history in person took my breath away, tears rolled down my face and I had to keep my feet from breaking into a full-on Holy Ghost Dance as the favorable vote came across the screens. The Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson was elected as the UCC's General Minister and President, the first female and the first of African descent. For me, it was an important reminder of being a part of a larger whole, where each part of the church can offer its blessings and ask for support in its burdens. I have been publicly criticized…
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The power of coming together: Collaboration was the theme at National VOAD Conference

Disaster responders, communicators and coordinators gathered May 8-11 in St. Louis for the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) conference, “Gateway to Collaboration.” Attendees from religious and secular organizations from around the country, along with representatives from government agencies such as FEMA, heard the latest disaster response initiatives in the various workshops and presentations offered throughout the four-day event. What was just as important as the plethora of information, though, was for VOAD members to meet in-person once again.“It was good having the family back together,” said the Rev. Karl Jones. Jones, who serves as a Conference Disaster Coordinator…
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Have You Heard? Happy Anniversary to the Northern California Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ

This month we, the Northern California Nevada Conference UCC, celebrate our 61st Anniversary. We are the United Church of Christ in Northern California and Northern Nevada. We are 110 local churches (13,500 members) and 357 ministers, from Eureka to Tulare, from Monterey to Reno, and everywhere in between. Some of our churches were founded during the early years of the California gold rush. We all started with a desire to be people of worship, education, fellowship, and ministry to our communities. Our mission is to unite ourselves as a covenant community and support and nurture each other as we seek to make God’s…
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Living in Full Communion

by Rev. Carol Barriger You may know that for many years I have been involved in the AIDS LifeCycle bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles.  The work – the ministry – of lifting the stigma of HIV/AIDS, providing services, and helping to find a cure, is near to my heart.  I have raised nearly $100,000 for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation in donations to support my rides.  This year I chose to be a sweep roadie, helping cyclists with mechanical, medical and yes, pastoral needs on the road.  We were all about encouragement and relationship. My roadie partner…
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Let’s Talk: About the Dance of Rage

by Rev. Dr. Diane Weible The Roe vs. Wade decision may have been handed down after I was born but I was young. For all of my awareness of life, women had the freedom to make decisions for their own bodies and their own lives. At least, until now. I grieve what this decision means to half the population of this country who is now told that other people can tell them what they can and cannot do with their bodies. Strangers can say that no matter what the circumstance of your pregnancy, it is your responsibility to carry a…
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Let’s Talk: About Annual Gathering Keynote

Annual Gathering is just two weeks away! I’m looking forward to seeing all of you in person and, for some, virtually as we gather at Sonoma State University. I want to share additional information about our keynote address, which will be provided by The Council for Health and Human Services Ministries (CHHSM) of the United Church of Christ. To that end, I am sharing below the most recent correspondence I have received from Jamar Doyle, President and CEO of CHHSM, describing what he and Paula Barker, Senior Executive Assistant for Events and Administration, will share during their time with us.…
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Pastoral Letter in response to clergy sex abuse in Southern Baptist Convention

Dear Siblings in Christ, Like many of you, we are deeply affected by the news about leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention choosing institutional preservation over protecting victim-survivors of clergy abuse across more than 15 years. That this happened in another denomination and not our United Church of Christ is not a salve. Abuse by a religious leader is never acceptable, and those who aid in the perpetration of abuse are just as guilty as the ones who directly abuse. Jesus Christ, as head of the church, has modeled for us the kind of right relationship demanded of our faith…
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Let’s Talk: About Treatment

by the Rev. Daniel Ross-Jones, MPA, associate Conference minister I’m not a physician, so I have no idea if my presumption is correct: I have always presumed it is easier to diagnose an illness than treat it. Of course, there are certain illnesses that elude easy diagnosis, and I acknowledge them – yet taken on the whole, I’ve always presumed that the challenging half of the equation is on the treatment side of the formula. In the fifth chapter of John, Jesus encounters a group of people manifesting symptoms of illness gathered around the pool at Bethesda in Jerusalem. Jesus…
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Let’s Talk: About Collective Action

by the Rev. Lacey Hunter, NCNC-UCC Justice & Witness Team Leader   “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed it's the only thing that ever has.”-Margaret Mead Throughout human history we witness small groups of people coming together to build collective power and create change that has reverberations throughout society. The Black Panthers worked for Black self-determination by launching meal programs to ensure that Black children were receiving nourishing meals and in so doing, created what would become free school lunches across US public schools and a new vision of a just…
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