Covenant of Light: Praying For and With Each Other

This resource is a gift from the Rev. Kelly Colwell, an authorized minister in the NCNC who created the original Prayer Cycle as part of her Member in Discernment process in advance of ordination. It has been updated by Conference staff to reflect changes since the original resource was published. We continue to be grateful for her spiritual leadership and the ongoing legacy of her nurturing a common prayer life for our Conference inspired by our covenant.

In the UCC, we are a denomination of sacred promises.

Rather than laws, rules, or strings, we are bound to each other by the covenant we make with each other. More than a collection of local churches, richer and more creative than a structure, stronger than a ministerial, we bind ourselves as local churches into Associations, Conferences, Regions, and even a Denomination through covenants. Covenants are the shape of our relationships to each other, and while we maintain nearly total autonomy for local churches to act, we also call on each other to respect the actions of all other settings of the church. Our 1959 Statement of Faith names the ultimate source of all our covenants:

“You bestow upon us your holy Spirit, creating and renewing the church of Jesus Christ, binding in covenant faithful people of all ages, tongues, and races…”

We proclaim that God has bound us in covenant with each other at every level of our denomination. We proclaim that God has given us to each other for mutual benefit, as we have written in our statement of covenant. God has brought us together to support each other, to challenge each other, to appreciate each other, to help each other, to share our dreams and visions with each other. Our faithful God is continually calling us to be in closer and more faithful relationships with each other across the Conference.

In these relationships, we can truly rejoice in each other’s blessings and weep for each other’s sorrows. We can raise money for each other when tragedy strikes, invite each other to share events and experiences, offer each other resources, teach each other our best practices. We can bear witness to each other about what God is doing in our own midst. Sometimes we can bear witness to what we see God doing in our neighbor’s context, helping each other recognize the presence of the Holy One. We can be rightly proud and grateful for our rich relationships within our Conference. We are in covenant with each other, and we are bound to live up to the promises we have made to each other.

One of the promises we have made is to pray for each other.

Prayer Cycle

The Christian Church has a long tradition of using markers of time and calendars to help faithful people remember to hold each other in prayer. At their heart, prayer cycles function like the Lectionary, giving us a schedule of what to pray for on which day so we remember and so our prayer life is rich and varied. The World Council of Churches maintains a prayer cycle of countries in the world, inviting Christians around the world to lift up prayers for our siblings in faith all over the world. The prayer cycle is called In God’s Hands. The schedule is maintained on the WCC’s website, where you can find a lot more information about that resource and about the WCC. Many denominations have prayer cycles that assist in this purpose more narrowly. The Anglican Communion has a global prayer cycle. The Disciples of Christ have a Conference-wide prayer cycle in several of their conferences. Some Methodists, Lutherans, and Presbyterians have local prayer cycles that help build community. The United Church of Canada keeps a prayer cycle for each Conference so that congregations may pray for each other. Unofficially, many UCC congregations observe a similar rhythm of prayer by praying through and observing various days, weeks, and months that celebrate or honor various topics. Many congregations pray specifically for Black History Month, Indigenous People’s Day, Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Earth Day, and many other occasions. You may already be observing an unofficial prayer cycle in the life of your congregation.
This webpage contains a prayer cycle for our Conference. It is also included in the weekly e-newsletter. Each of the Conference’s congregations is listed in this schedule, as well as congregations in care of the Conference, other ministry settings, ecumenical connections and partners, and a few other common prayer interests. The schedule is written so that each congregation will have two or three other congregations praying for them each Sunday of the year, and each congregation has a list of three congregations or ministries to pray for each Sunday.
There are a few options for how to engage with this prayer cycle:
  • At the very simplest, you might simply name the settings in prayer during yourSunday worship service, perhaps during the Prayers of the People or PastoralPrayer.
  • You might also simply choose to list the prayer cycle in your bulletin, asking yourcongregation to lift those settings up in prayer.
  • An additional option would be to build in a regular section of your worship service:the lighting of a candle or the singing of a simple refrain, saying “We are in community with Elm United Church of Christ in Daly City and Hudson Memorial Church in Fresno this morning as we worship, and we lift them up to God.
  • You might project the names and pictures of the congregation during the announcements, naming them as our prayer partners for this week.
A next level of engagement might be to check out the websites of the churches listed, looking for a ministry priority to lift up in prayer for each congregation. You might learn the names of the Pastor, Moderator, or Council Chair, and pray for them by name. If your community uses projection during worship, you might put a photo of each church up during the time of congregational prayer, or a photo representing something about the congregation. If your community has specific ministry priorities, you might pray for those as they relate to the congregations: “We pray for the congregations of Sycamore Congregational UCC in El Cerrito and Orinda Community UCC, particularly the children, youth, and young people in those communities. We ask God to help those communities be attentive to their youngest members and the young people who may come through their doors in the future.” The schedule also lists a mailing address for each congregation in the prayer cycle; congregations may enjoy sending a card to the congregations they’ve prayed for each week. A simple “We are grateful to be in covenant with you! We lifted you up in prayer on Sunday 9/18!” does a lot to knit us together as a Conference. Congregation members may enjoy signing a card; children in your congregation might like to send a drawing! You might also reach out to them on social media if your congregation has an active presence on any social media platforms. For congregations that desire a deeper level of engagement, pastors or lay leaders might even reach out in the week prior to ask the congregations you are praying for whether they have prayer concerns that you can share. You might hear about a construction project, a significant loss, a transition, or a ministry focus that you can lift up in prayer. This can be a powerful way to build awareness and connection between congregations. Not all congregations have listed a website or email address, so it may not be possible for everyone. Every congregation will engage with the prayer cycle differently; you should use this prayer cycle in a way that suits your worship style and practices. We have covenanted to pray for each other, but we have not committed to doing that in any particular style or using any particular method! This structure is offered as a resource to help us remember to pray for each other, an aid to our faithfulness as we strive to live out our covenant with each other.

2024-25 Prayer Cycle

Week BeginningChurch 1Church 2Church/Other Ministry
Jan. 26, 2025LODI United Congregational Christian DOC UCCWOODLAND St John’s UCCLeadership in the Santa Clara Association
Feb. 2, 2025MODESTO College Ave. Congregational UCCFAIRFAX Community UCCMembers of the Sacramento Valley Association
Feb. 9, 2025PESCADERO Community UCCMURPHYS Open Door UCCOur full communion partners in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Northern California Nevada Region
Feb. 16, 2025SAN CARLOS, Kalavaria Reformed CCCSA UCCSAN MATEO Congregational UCCOur full communion partners in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Sierra Pacific Synod
Feb. 23, 2025FREMONT United Church of Christ FremontOAKLAND Skyline Community UCCOur full communion partners in the Presbyterian Church (USA), Presbyteries of Nevada, Redwoods, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Jose, and Stockton
Mar. 2, 2025NORTH FORK Grace Community UCCPETALUMA United Church of ChristOur full communion partners in the Reformed Church in America, Central California Classis, City Classis
Mar. 9, 2025BERKELEY Chinese Community UCCHAYWARD, Satauro O Le Ola UCCOur full communion partners in the United Church of Canada
Mar. 16, 2025SAN MATEO College Heights UCCOAKLAND First Congregational UCCOur full communion partners (kirchengemeinschaft) in the Union of Evangelical Churches, Germany (UEK)
Mar. 23, 2025MARINA, Ola Fou – New Life ChurchLOS ALTOS Foothills Congregational UCCOur ecumenical partners in the United Methodist Church, California-Nevada Conference
Mar 30, 2025PITTSBURG Community PCUSA UCCBERKELEY First Congregational UCCOur ecumenical partners in the Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa
Apr. 6, 2025
SAN FRANCISCO St John’s UCCSAN FRANCISCO Light of Life/First Samoan Congregational UCCOur ecumenical partners in the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa
Apr. 13, 2025LOS GATOS Skyland Community UCCSAN CARLOS Community UCCOur ecumenical partners in the Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Puerto Rico (IEUPR)
Apr. 20, 2025SAN JOSE Cong'l Church of Almaden Valley UCCFOSTER CITY Island United Church UCCOur ecumenical partners in the Alliance of Baptists
Apr. 27, 2025AUBURN First Congregational UCCHAYWARD United Church of Hayward UCCOur ecumenical partners in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
May 4, 2025SAN JOSE New Community of Faith ABC UCCSAN FRANCISCO Pilgrim Community UCCOur ecumenical relationships in the World Council of Churches
May 11, 2025CEDARVILLE Surprise Valley Community UCCSAN JOSE Urban SanctuaryOur ecumenical relationships in the World Communion of Reformed Churches
May 18, 2025SAN JOSE Cosmopolitan Evangelical UCCSAN JOSE, Epenesa Fou CCCAS UCCOur ecumenical relationships within the National Council of Churches in the United States
May 25, 2025SONOMA First Congregational UCCLOOMIS Loomis Basin Congregational UCCOur local ecumenical relationships

Jun 1, 2025
LA SELVA BEACH Community UCCTULARE First Congregational UCCStaff and leaders in our National Setting
Jun. 8, 2025DANVILLE Congregational UCCOAKLAND Plymouth UCCCommittee on Ministry, Section A (Initial Authorization for Ministry)
Jun 15, 2025SUISUN CITY Suisun-Fairfield Congregational UCCSTOCKTON First Congregational UCCCommittee on Ministry, Section B (Support & Oversight of Ministers)
Jun 22, 2025KENSINGTON Arlington Community UCCFREMONT Niles Discovery Church DOC UCCCommittee on Ministry, Section C (New & Emerging Churches)
Jun 29, 2025SUNOL Little Brown Church of SunolDALY CITY, Samoan Cong'l Church of Jesus ChristCommittee on Ministry, Section D (Covenant Support with Churches)
Jul 6, 2025SACRAMENTO, Christian Cathedral UCC (in care)SAN BRUNO St John’s UCCCommittee on Ministry, Section E (Accountability for Ministerial Ethics)
Jul 13, 2025OAKLAND, Ministerio Latino (church in care)CAMPBELL Congregational Church of Campbell UCCNCNC Justice & Witness Ministries
Jul 20, 2025TIBURON Community Congregational UCCEL SOBRANTE The Good Table UCCThe ministry of Camp Tamarack
Jul 27, 2025SAN JOSE First Congregational UCCSAN BRUNO First Filipino-American UCCAll those in our conference who minister with elders.
Aug 3, 2025WEAVERVILLE, Trinity Congregational UCCPLEASANT HILL Hillcrest Congregational UCCStudents, faculty, and staff at Pacific School of Religion
Aug 10, 2025CARMEL, Community Church of the Monterey Peninsula UCCFREMONT Filipino-American UCCStudents, faculty, and staff across the Graduate Theological Union
Aug 17, 2025OAKLAND/ALAMEDA First Samoan Congregational UCCSOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Faafouina CCCAS UCCStudents and chaplains at UCC and ecumenical campus ministries in our Conference: San Francisco State, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and UC Santa Cruz
Aug 24, 2025SACRAMENTO Sierra Vista Community Church UCC PCUSABENICIA Community Congregational UCCUCC chaplains in hospitals and hospice settings
Aug 31, 2025PORTOLA VALLEY Ladera Community UCCEUREKA United Congregational Christian Church UCC/DOCBELMONT Congregational Church of the Peninsula UCC
Sept 7, 2025KENWOOD Community UCCSACRAMENTO, Marshallese Ministry UCCREDDING Pilgrim Congregational UCC
Sept 14, 2025MARTINEZ First Congregational UCCSAN JOSE Tafatolu CCCS UCCUCC Chaplains in prison and jail settings
Sept 21, 2025HAYWARD San Lorenzo Community UCCORINDA Community UCCSAN FRANCISCO First Congregational UCC
Sept 28, 2025EL CERRITO Sycamore Congregational UCCRENO First Congregational UCCCLOVERDALE United Church of Cloverdale UCC
Oct. 5, 2025OAKLAND City of Refuge Community UCCELK GROVE Field of Hope UCCUCC Military chaplains
Oct. 12, 2025ALAMEDA First Congregational UCCFRESNO Community UCCParticipants and ministers at the San Francisco Night Ministry and other ministries to poor and unhoused people
Oct. 19, 2025SACRAMENTO Parkside Community UCCSANTA ROSA Wellspring UCCAll Members in Discernment and those considering authorized ministry
Oct. 26, 2025SAN FRANCISCO Chinese Congregational UCCALTURAS Federated Community UCCAll Retired UCC Authorized Ministers
Nov. 2, 2025WOODSIDE Village UCCSANTA CRUZ Peace UCCAll those in our conference who minister with children and young people
Nov. 9, 2025FRESNO First Congregational UCCMILL VALLEY Community Church of Mill Valley UCCThe Northern California and Nevada Conference ministers, staff, and committee members
Nov. 16, 2025SAN RAFAEL First Congregational UCCSUNNYVALE Congregational Community UCCMembers of our Conference who serve on boards and committees of the wider UCC
Nov. 23, 2025OLYMPIC VALLEY Olympic Valley Chapel UCCOROVILLE First Congregational UCCLeadership in the Bay Association
Nov. 30, 2025SANTA ROSA First Congregational UCCCLOVIS United Japanese Christian Church UCC UMCLeadership in the Golden Gate Association
Dec. 7, 2025PALO ALTO First Congregational UCCHAYWARD Eden UCCLeadership in the Sequoia Association
Dec. 14, 2025SACRAMENTO Pioneer Congregational UCCSUNNYVALE Filipino-American UCC
Dec 21, 2025DALY CITY First Congregational Christian Church of American Samoan CCCAS UCCSEBASTOPOL Community UCCIn gratitude, we pray that our covenant be upheld and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.