Our church family is constantly changing. People come and go. Babies are born. Children grow up. People commit themselves to one another. Loved ones and friends among us come to the end of their lives. Individuals move into our community and church life. Others leave us, moving away to new places, new experiences, and new opportunities. It is important and right that we recognize these times of passage, of endings and beginnings. (From the Farewell Order for Times of Passage, “UCC Book of Worship”)
During times of ministerial transition, the Conference and Associations work diligently to support churches and ministers both pastorally and functionally. These tender moments in the lives of individuals and communities require particular attention, wisdom, and encouragement.
We invite you to learn more about Search & Call in the United Church of Christ here.
You can view all available ministerial opportunities in this Conference and across the United Church of Christ on this website, then email the Conference office to have your active profile forwarded to positions of interest. Note: only individuals authorized for ministry in the United Church of Christ or a Full Communion partner with privilege of orderly exchange are entitled to apply to ministerial opportunities through the Conference office.