Have You Heard? Our 2024 Annual Gathering at The Big Red Church in Fresno was Amazing!

What a great time we had, gathering for worship, fellowship, learning, laughter, music, food, and a good time in the presence of the Holy Spirit. This year, our Annual Gathering was hosted by the First Congregational Church (The Big Red Church) UCC in Fresno. We faced some challenges, but with the unwavering dedication of Pastor Rev. Simon Biasell-Moshrefi and the Big Red staff and a host of volunteers from the Sequoia Association, we overcame them and made this event a memorable one. The Sequoia Association also paid for our meals, and the Financial Ministries of the UCC paid for the…
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Authorized Ministers’ Retreat 6/5/2024

Authorized Ministers Retreat 6/5/2024 at First Congregational Church UCC, Fresno NCNC UCC Authorized Ministers and NCNC UCC Members in Discernment are invited to come a day early for the Authorized Ministers Retreat. Register here.  Schedule for Authorized Ministers Retreat. Authorized Ministers 1 Day Retreat 2024 Wednesday June 5th 8 a.m. Breakfast 9 a.m. Worship 10 a.m Conference Listening Session 11:30 a.m Break 12:00 p.m. Lunch 1:30 p.m. Preaching and discussing Ceasefire in the Middle East/Gaza/Palestine led by Jim Mitulski OR Enneagram for Clergy led by Casey Tinnin 3:30 p.m. Social Hour (Painting, Games, Sipping, Puzzles etc.) 5:15 p.m. Communion-Closing Worship…
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Annual Gathering Keynote Speaker Rev. Casey Tinnin

Pastor Casey has served as a UCC Minister for 9 years, 7 as pastor of Loomis UCC. He is an outspoken pastor and prophet in conservative Placer County. He is the cohost of Irenicast, a podcast for recovering evangelicals and ex-fundamentalists, and the host of The Queerly Faithful Podcast. 7 years ago he and his church founded The Landing Spot which is a peer support group for LGBTQ youth and their adult caregivers. Last year Pastor Casey and his church were attacked by local conservative mega churches and Project Veritas (a right wing fake news organization). In this moment where…
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Have You Heard? You could be the Keynote Speaker at Annual Gathering!

The 2024 NCNC UCC Annual Gathering will take place at First Congregational UCC (“The Big Red Church”) in Fresno on June 6 to 8, 2024. We’re currently accepting proposals from those who would like to be the Keynote Speaker for this exciting event.  Our 2024 theme “Making All Things New" is based on Isaiah 43:18-19. (Please submit only your own name.) Based on our theme please submit the following information: Your Name Contact information Affiliation with UCC Home Church Short Bio Give a description of what you do, what makes you credible to be the keynote speaker, and how you…
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Have You Heard? NCNC 2023 Annual Gathering will be held at First Congregational Church – Palo Alto

The conference staff, the Conference Council, and the Annual Gathering (AG) Team are excited to officially announce the location of this year’s AG. We will descend upon FCC-Palo Alto June 15-17th. By having the AG at a local church, we can provide a more cost-effective experience, and it will be a much simpler project to manage. In connection with the theme, The Elephant Within, our keynote speaker will be Rev. Marvin Silver. Rev. Silver serves as Associate Conference Minister for Justice & Witness Ministries with the Central Atlantic Conference of the United Church of Christ. He has an unquestionable commitment…
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October 2022 Annual Meeting

The Northern California Conference United Church of Christ will reconvene Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 22, 2022 at 10:00 AM in an online only meeting. The Fall Virtual meeting will have two agenda items: Approval of a revised 2023 budget (if necessary) Approval of the Range of Light Resolution to be forwarded to General Synod Range of Light Final for NCNC Mtg Draft 2023 Budget for AG 2022 Register below. 
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Information for Budget and Camp Revision Task Force Proposals

A Letter from Conference Leaders Conference leaders have written a letter to the churches and authorized ministers of the United Church of Christ, appealing for your support in entering into a faithful discernment process for determining the Conference's ministry and the budget for 2021. For the past five years, despite a Conference-wide discernment to call two full-time Associate Conference Ministers, we have finished each year with a deficit and have relied on reserves to make up the difference. In 2017, Annual Gathering approved a $5/per member giving request to offset some of our deficit, especially around our line items involving…
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Annual Meeting and Annual Gathering Changes

In light of the continued California statewide Shelter in Place order, as well as Sonoma State University cancelling all campus reservations and activities in June, the Conference Council has called a Special Conference Meeting to be held online on Saturday, May 30, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time. View the meeting HERE. This Special Conference Meeting is for the purposes of acting on revisions to the By-Laws and acting on the slate of leaders for 2020-2021. It will take the place of the Annual Meeting session of Annual Gathering previously scheduled for June 18-20, 2020. An informational meeting to review the Bylaws revisions was…
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