Conference Council: The Conference Council serves as the Annual Gathering ad interim and is responsible for the governance and policy of the Northern California Nevada Conference. It is composed of the Conference Officers, representatives from each Association, and at-large members (including youth/young adult members). The Conference Minister is an ex officio member of the Council with voice but no vote. From within itself it annually elects a President and Vice President.
Committee on Ministry (COM): In our covenantal polity, and under the requirements of the Manual on Ministry the Committee on Ministry is charged with responsibility for the authorization, support, and accountability of ministers with standing and local churches. An unusual structure exists in this Conference, unlike most others, where the Associations have covenanted the COM responsibility to the Conference and one single Conference COM exists in five sections. Ministerial standing is held in the Conference, while Associations are responsible for ecclesiastical councils and installations.
- Committee on Ministry, Section A (Authorization for Ministry; COM-A): This Section provides support and oversight for Members in Discernment, as well as candidates for Ordained Ministerial Partnership Standing or Dual Standing, and applicants for Privilege of Call.
- Committee on Ministry, Section B (Authorized Ministerial Support; COM-B): This Section is responsible for the support and oversight of Authorized Ministers holding Standing in NCNC, as well as those Authorized Ministers from elsewhere in the UCC seeking to transfer their Standing to NCNC.
- Committee on Ministry, Section C (Local Churches In Care; COM-C): This Section assists new and emerging church ministries in establishing their organizational ministry structure, and exploring whether formal affiliation with the UCC is appropriate.
- Committee on Ministry, Section D (Local Churches Support; COM-D): This Section, currently dormant, provides supportive and consultative resourcing for affiliated member churches to strengthen and equip their local ministry.
- Committee on Ministry, Section E (Ministerial Fitness Review; COM-E): This Section provides formal accountability for Authorized Ministers in the event of misconduct under the UCC Ministerial Code. In addition, ministers who have been Suspended or Terminated as a result of a Fitness Review by Section E may apply to be considered for reinstatement through Section E.
Council-Appointed Committees: In addition to the Council and COM, the Bylaws of the Conference identify particular other committees to be appointed by Council, and permits the Council to create any other additional committees which are necessary for the productive ministry of NCNC.
- Audit Committee: Provides for an annual review of the Conference’s financial records by an outside, independent accountant and reviews the results.
- Committee for Recruitment of Conference Leaders (CRCL): Identifies potential nominees for all Conference leadership positions, secures applications, and forwards names for election or appointment.
- Facility Committees for Camp Cazadero & Camp Tamarack: Ensures the physical caretaking and stewardship of our two outdoor ministries facilities through property management and maintenance.
- Finance, Administration & Budget Committee (FABC): Prepares an annual budget, monitors financial inflow and expenditures, and supports the Council in stewarding Conference physical assets.
- Philanthropy & Stewardship Committee (PSC): Champions financial contributions to support the NCNC mission through Our Church’s Wider Mission (church giving) and Friends of the Conference (individual giving).