Blog Post

Have You Heard? Our 2024 Annual Gathering at The Big Red Church in Fresno was Amazing!

Rev. Dr. Davena L. Jones

What a great time we had, gathering for worship, fellowship, learning, laughter, music, food, and a good time in the presence of the Holy Spirit. This year, our Annual Gathering was hosted by the First Congregational Church (The Big Red Church) UCC in Fresno. We faced some challenges, but with the unwavering dedication of Pastor Rev. Simon Biasell-Moshrefi and the Big Red staff and a host of volunteers from the Sequoia Association, we overcame them and made this event a memorable one. The Sequoia Association also paid for our meals, and the Financial Ministries of the UCC paid for the Friday night banquet.

I am beyond grateful for the 150 physical attendees who drove from near and far (the farthest North was from Eureka); for those who traveled by train and our ten virtual attendees, thank you. In addition, the Sacramento Marshallese Church UCC brought their youth to entertain us at the Friday Night Banquet.

Many thanks to the Annual Gathering Planning Team: Moderator Jeannie Hobson, Vice-Moderator Rev. Melanie Weiner, President April Ward, Vice-President Rev. Eileen Altman, Chef Kymberly Lindsay, NCNC staff Joy Davis and MeLinda LaViene for the behind-the-scenes tasks, labor, and planning to make things as smooth as possible. I am also grateful for those who volunteered at the registration table; it is a laborious job, especially in triple-digit heat. Seeing attendees’ names, church, pronouns, and ribbons was great. We had many “First-Time Attendees”! 80 of those first-time attendees were Youth/Young adults and parents of the Marshallese Church UCC from Sacramento. To God be praised for our shared time of singing, dancing, and worshipping together as one body of Christ Jesus. Glory Hallelujah! Amen

We don’t have photos (yet — please share your photos!) but are so grateful to those who led workshops at both the Authorized Ministers’ Retreat and the Annual Gathering. Workshops are the highlight of Annual Gathering for many attendees.

We can’t thank our sponsors and Vendors enough for their presence at our gathering as they, too, navigated through the sweltering weather, and yet they did so with smiles all around.










I had many wonderful and touching moments at the Annual Gathering this year. But my favorite moment was watching the Council President, April Ward, Youth Leaders Hope and Kim play the guitar and sing and dance to Taylor Swift with the youth from our Sacramento Marshallese Church. All “isms” were forgotten, and time stood still as their loudest voices came together as one! I truly believe that our Holy Creator God was pleased with the love at that moment.




We were blessed as tears rolled down our faces, hands raised in praise and worship, and we received Holy food to run on a little longer. Our host Church’s Pastor Simon preached a powerful message. Rev. Casey Tinnin shared what it means to stand in the gap for the voiceless and the youth and young adults searching to live authentically. Regional Minister of the Christian Church Disciples of Christ, Rev. Dr. LaTaunya Bynum demonstrated how music speaks and brings clarity to life and Holy text in her preached Word.










Yes! Yes! And Yes! Please welcome and support our New Northern California Nevada Conference Leaders with deep gratitude and a heart full of thanksgiving. We said yes to God and our Covenant to serve together faithfully.


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