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UCC Creation Justice news

The recording of the UCC’s second annual Earth Summit is now available on YouTube:

In May, we have a full slate of special online events:

May 1st: UCC Climate Action Assembly with Judith Enck from Beyond Plastics

May 4th: The Award Ceremony for the Children and Youth Art Contest

May 29th: Black Churches Leading with Solar: Incentives, Financing, and Stewardship

Below you will find links shared in the chat during the event.

Stay in touch by signing up for monthly updates on Creation Justice Webinar offerings and subscribing to The Pollinator, the UCC’s environmental justice newsletter.

Links Shared during Summit

Learn more about the UCC’s Creation Justice Churches program

List of Creation Justice Churches

Learn more about Dollie Burwell

Learn more about Bill McKibben

Learn more about Third Act 

Learn more about Diane Wilson

Learn more about Nancy Bui’s Organization

Learn more about Sharon Lavigne

Petition to endorse sign-on letter from Congress to Vietnamese government 

Rise St. James’ petition to President Biden

United Church Funds Letter to Goldman-Sachs on Not Financing Formosa

Learn more about Vote for Climate Hope

Learn more about Rev. Michael Malcom’s People’s Justice Council

Learn more about Alabama Interfaith Power & Light

Learn more about the UCC Council for Climate Justice

Learn more about the Church of Christ at Dartmouth College

Learn more about the New Hampshire Conference

Learn more about the UCC’s Environmental Justice Ministries

Green your coffee hour with UCC Climate Hope mugs

Job Announcement for Hiring 8 UCC Climate Hope Summer Interns

Donate to Support UCC Climate Justice Ministries

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