Advent Blessings, Merry Christmas, and Happy Kwanza to you and your families.

Advent Blessings, Merry Christmas, and Happy Kwanza to you and your families. Praise the Lord! We made it.   Wow, where did the year go? It seems like January was just a few months ago. Collectively, as the Northern California Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ (NCNCUCC), we have done some fantastic ministry together over the last twelve months. I am grateful for each of you and how you have shared your gifts, talents, time, and finances with the conference. Your conference staff, Associate Conference Minister- Rev. Dr. Celestine Fields, Conference Managing Administrator- MeLinda LaViene, Office Support- Joy Davis,…
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Palestinian Life Under Israeli Military Occupation

Palestinian Life Under Israeli Military Occupation (In Person Event)  Saturday January 20, 3pm at First Congregational Church of Alameda   In collaboration with Friends of Wadi Foquin and the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity, FCCA will host a conversation with Adam Manasra, a 26 year old Palestinian from the village of Wadi Foquin growing up under the military occupation of Israel.   Located in the Bethlehem District of the West Bank, his home village of Wadi Foquin has suffered the incremental loss of land and life due to the illegal settlement of Betar Illit.  An engineer by training, Adam has organized young adult voices in the…
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Resources from the Department of Homeland Security’s Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Trustworthy insights into current insurance concerns for churches. Webinar on Federal Government Disaster Recovery Resources Dec. 13, 2023 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. EST = 11 AM - 12:30 PM PST  Register in advance at Webinar Registration - Zoom ( and use the passcode “FEMAVAL” for access once the webinar begins. This call will support closed captioning and American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation. Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) FY2024 Winter Webinar Series – All Events The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Grant Programs Directorate (GPD) invites interested organizations to attend upcoming webinars regarding the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). The NSGP is a competitive…
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Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy Hannukah!

The UCC Mental Health Network wishes you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year! While we hope that you all will stay safe, healthy, and joyous. We know that this year has generally been challenging for all of us, including those of us who live with mental health challenges, neurodiversity, and trauma. We have compiled a few tips and links to utilize as resources in navigating the holidays.     Tips for Coping and Staying Safe During the Holidays Managing Your Mental Health During the Holidays – NAMI Blog Surviving Painful Holiday Emotions – NAMI Blog Avoiding Holiday Stressors:…
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Contemplatives in Action

A new website resource is available growing out of the "Becoming a Church of Contemplatives in Action" Resolution that passed at the UCC General Synod 2021.  Lots of great resources for both congregations and Pastors! A group growing out of this Resolution meets monthly for rotating contemplative practices with different leaders each month.  The regular practices are the first Thursdays of the month at 2:30pm ET (11:30 AM PT). Our last monthly contemplative practice of 2023 is Thursday, December 7th at 2:30 p.m. ET at the Zoom link below.  Rev. Mark Suriano will lead a loving-kindness meditation, and Rev. Susie…
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World Aids Day: Let Communities Lead

Let Communities Lead! The world can end AIDS, with communities leading the way. In 2022, an estimated 2.2 million people in the Western Pacific Region were living with HIV. Each of these people, their families and the organizations of communities living with, at risk of, or affected by the disease are shaping the HIV response. World AIDS Day 2023, under the theme, “Let communities lead,” is an opportunity to reflect on the progress made to date, to raise awareness about the challenges that remain to achieve the goals of ending AIDS by 2030 and to mobilize all stakeholders to jointly…
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Who’s Your Neighbor? Rev. Dr. Toni Dunbar

Bridging the Gap: Mental Health First Aid Training Among People of Faith Post-COVID, and in a world that moves at a relentless pace, mental health has become a critical concern affecting individuals from all walks of life. People of faith, in particular, continually find ourselves navigating in balance between mental health and spiritual well-being. Per the CDC, more than 1 in 5 US adults live with a mental illness; over 1 in 5 youth (ages 13-18) either currently or at some point during their life, have had a seriously debilitating mental illness; about 1 in 25 U.S. adults lives with…
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“Becoming A Black Wealth Builders Congregation” Program is Launching!

Has your congregation made a commitment to racial justice? Maybe you are not sure where to begin. How about repairing wealth inequity? The Black Wealth Builders Resolution passed at the 2023 NCNC Annual Gathering. The resolution is based on a project launched by Arlington Community Church, United Church of Christ, in 2021, which provides zero-interest loans to first-time Black homebuyers for down payment assistance. Why choose to become a Black Wealth Builders Congregation? According to those working around issues of wealth disparity, “... for most Americans, a home is their major source of wealth. A home appreciates over time and…
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Have You Heard? Giving Thanks

Your Thanksgiving table wouldn't be complete without all the fixings…however that may look in your context. We often rush around here and there, this store and the next, to ensure the holiday feast is perfect for family, friends, loved ones, and the community, which makes it easy to forget the "thanks" part of Thanksgiving. Northern California Nevada Conference UCC, thank you! Thank you for supporting me during my time as your Bridge Conference Minister. Thank you for your OCWM support, unique offerings of your time, talents, gifts, and resources. What a blessing you all have been to this Conference. On…
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