Lets Talk: About Feeling What We are Feeling

By Conference Minister Diane Weible And, Jesus wept. In John 11 we read the familiar story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. It is a miracle, no doubt. It is a foreshadowing of his own resurrection. And, it is a deep and poignant reminder of his humanity. Jesus said Lazarus would be raised and he was completely confident that Lazarus’ death was not the end of the story. And, yet, he wept. Scripture said he was deeply move and his spirit was troubled. Even with all he knew and his confidence that his friend would be resurrected, he still…
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Lets Talk: About Abundance

By Conference Minister Diane Weible This is a good time to bring back one of my favorite topics: Abundance. If ever there was a time for us to be reminded (and to remind one another) about the importance of living from a place of abundance, this is it. God’s abundance does not wane, even if the store shelves are empty. The Spirit’s abundance is not diminished even if we are feeling pulled in so many directions (yes, that can happen even when we spend 24 hours inside our homes) that we fall exhausted into bed each night. When Jesus’ reminds…
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Let’s Talk: About Deep Breaths

By: Conference Minister Diane Weible Deep breaths. Everywhere I go that seems to be the anchor for many of us. Take a moment to breathe. Deep. Breathe in God’s love; breathe out the anxiety and concern. Now that we have all had a moment to ground ourselves, I wish I could say I will now offer solutions. I can’t. Like me, I’m sure you all are inundated with emails, news stories, suggestions and advice as to how to address the COVID-19 pandemic in our communities. The consistent and, I think, best advice I have seen is to follow your county’s…
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Call for Nominations

Have you always longed for a deeper connection with the Conference? Now is your chance to get involved and meet like minded people from all around the Conference. We have openings on Conference Council, Committee on Ministry Sections A, B, and E, and the Camp Facilities Committees. Here is a description of each group: CONFERENCE COUNCIL – NCNC priority and policy setter; provides mission-based leadership and strategic governance; manages the Conference’s physical and financial assets and acts as the Conference between Annual Gatherings. Commitment is for a four-year term, about nine meetings per year, plus active participation on Council Sub-Committees…
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Lets Talk: About Safety and Love

By Conference Minister Diane Weible In John 20, we read the familiar story of what happened to the Disciples after Jesus was crucified. They were terrified and locked themselves up in a room, trying to keep out those they believed were seeking to do them harm. And, Jesus entered the room anyway. He brought with him words of peace and calm. He reminded the Disciples that locking themselves away from community was not what would take away the panic and the fear. He gave the Disciples the gift of peace and invited them to embrace that peace and focus on…
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Let’s Talk: About Lent

By Conference Minister Diane Weible Yesterday was Ash Wednesday so I’ve been thinking a lot about the intention with which I will approach Lent this year The older I get the more I understand the importance of Ash Wednesday for my spiritual journey. It is not just the first day of Lent but an invitation to enter into the next six weeks in a different way. I meant it when I say that it really is a journey. Lent is a time to take a moment and look at my life in a different way. Meditation, Lenten devotionals (see two…
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Summer Camp Schedule

Our 2020 summer camps are right around the corner! This is your one-stop shop to access all registrations and details regarding Camp Caz and Camp Tam. If you have questions regarding registration, reach out to Joy at the Conference Office by sending her an email or phoning (510) 247-8995. The Early Bird discount ends on March 31 for all camps.  The Conference has a small campership fund. Here is the Conference campership request form. Conference camperships must be requested before March 31 and the family portion of camp fees must be paid before a Conference campership can be granted. To…
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Let’s Talk: About Seeing Jesus

By Conference Minister Diane Weible Growing up I was always intrigued by the “Jesus” plaque in my grandma’s house. It was one of those pictures that when you first look at it, it just looks like nothing more than a bunch of lines. You have to learn to look at it in a new way in order to understand its meaning. Once you are able to do that, almost like magic, the word “Jesus” becomes clear and visible. The thing that was so cool about it was that once you have seen it, you cannot un-see it. After the first…
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Let’s Talk: About Opportunities to Act

By Conference Minister Diane Weible In Response to the "Lets Talk" article last week detailing our small group conversations initiative, I have received an email about the urgency of action. I interpreted the author to be saying that we are beyond conversation and it’s time to act. While I do not agree with that statement, I would argue that the urgency of our world today compels us to do both. We need to talk AND we need to act. As for talking, it’s not too late to sign up for our small group conversations (see article below). We will begin this…
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