“Becoming A Black Wealth Builders Congregation” Program is Launching!

Has your congregation made a commitment to racial justice? Maybe you are not sure where to begin. How about repairing wealth inequity? The Black Wealth Builders Resolution passed at the 2023 NCNC Annual Gathering. The resolution is based on a project launched by Arlington Community Church, United Church of Christ, in 2021, which provides zero-interest loans to first-time Black homebuyers for down payment assistance. Why choose to become a Black Wealth Builders Congregation? According to those working around issues of wealth disparity, “... for most Americans, a home is their major source of wealth. A home appreciates over time and…
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Have You Heard? Giving Thanks

Your Thanksgiving table wouldn't be complete without all the fixings…however that may look in your context. We often rush around here and there, this store and the next, to ensure the holiday feast is perfect for family, friends, loved ones, and the community, which makes it easy to forget the "thanks" part of Thanksgiving. Northern California Nevada Conference UCC, thank you! Thank you for supporting me during my time as your Bridge Conference Minister. Thank you for your OCWM support, unique offerings of your time, talents, gifts, and resources. What a blessing you all have been to this Conference. On…
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Have You Heard? Hope in God’s Backyard

Last month I was on my way to a Non-Profit Housing Conference. I emerged out of the BART station at Powell Street in San Francisco and at the top of the stairs was a man sleeping/passed out/unconscious draped across an open suitcase as his pallet. Momentarily overwhelmed with powerlessness and hopelessness, I continued on to the conference a block away. I walked into a beautiful hotel and found myself in a crowd of almost a thousand people, all there because they care about homelessness and affordable housing. My first reaction was a feeling of despair because of the inequities and ironies…
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Have You Heard? Youth Service Trips to New England

Betsey Guest-Natale, Volunteer Coordinator at Second Congregational Church of Boxford (Massachusetts) wants NCNC churches to know about the Boston-North Backyard Mission, which introduces its participants to the myriad ways in which they can use their skills to serve. From their website: Boston-North Backyard Mission, a ministry of Second Congregational Church of Boxford, welcomes groups to a variety of urban and suburban service experiences in and around northern Massachusetts.  Uniquely situated in a picturesque location with an outdoor lakeside worship space, our church serves as a wonderful retreat after serving the urban poor in nearby city neighborhoods or aiding local suburban…
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Have You Heard? Another Mass Shooting

God hear our prayers! In the past week the world has seen yet another mass shooting. Mass shootings are, for the most part, an American phenomenon. While they are generally grouped together as one type of incident they are several different types including public shootings, bar/club incidents, family annihilations, drive-by and workplace. Mass shootings are defined as having a minimum of four victims shot, either injured or killed, not including any shooter who may also have been killed or injured in the incident. In 2023 thus far there have been more than 565 mass shootings by 31 mass shooters. We continue…
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Where is the Conference Staff?

Your Conference staff was blessed to be able to attend two very special events this week. On Sunday, we joined the Chinese Congregational Church UCC of San Francisco for an amazing celebration of their 150th anniversary. The guest preacher was our new General Minister and President of the UCC, Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson.  Two other churches cancelled their services to attend and support Chinese Congregational: Pilgrim Community UCC of San Francisco and Chinese Community UCC of Berkeley. The next day,  PAAM, the Pacific Islander Asian American Ministries of NCNC, sponsored a Town Hall meeting and luncheon. City of Refuge…
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Climate Hope Summer

Giving Tuesday is November 28, 2023 The United Church of Christ cares deeply about climate justice. We know that this earth is in peril mainly because of our disregard for the health of our planet and its ecosystem. In answer to this crisis, in 2022, we made a 5-year commitment to focus our Giving Tuesday campaigns on environmental justice. Through your contributions, we will gather resources for our work to address climate issues that impact our world. Our Projects: Climate Hope Summer and the UCC’s 2024 Earth Day Summit Our Financial Goal: $75,000 Help us to continue our successful Climate Hope…
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Have You Heard? Your Conference Staff is Grateful for each of you!

Wow, here we are in the first week of October 2023, the 10th month for me as your Bridge Conference Minister and for each of you with brand new conference staff! What a time we have had thus far, getting to know one another and all that our portfolios hold, to be fully present for each of you as best we can with limited staff. We were blessed to have our first Staff Retreat last week. What time we had teaching one another, reviewing what we have accomplished thus far. We have celebrated ordinations, installations, and service of release. As…
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Partner with Us: Faith, Compassion, and Transformative Action Series

Join CWS (Church World Service) for our Partner with Us Series, starting in October 2023 and held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 11 AM to noon PST via Zoom, designed to equip and empower churches, faith leaders, community members, and pastors to take meaningful action within their communities. Guided by Church World Service's mission, this series provides a unique opportunity to explore topics that highlight the power of faith, compassion, and collective efforts in bringing about positive change in communities worldwide. Drawing on our organization's roots, this series aims to inspire faith communities and community members to…
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Have You Heard? Black Wealth Builders Congregation Designation Pilot Program

At the 2023 NCNC UCC Annual Gathering, the collected body passed the Black Wealth Builders Resolution. The resolution is based on a project launched by Arlington Community Church, United Church of Christ, in 2021, which provides zero-interest loans to first-time Black homebuyers for down payment assistance. The resolution “...encourages the local churches within the conference to live out a faith-based belief in racial justice and to take intentional steps to put those beliefs into action by becoming a Black Wealth Builders congregation.” Similar to the Open and Affirming Congregation Designation, the Black Wealth Builders designation is one where the individual…
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